
  • Vesna Petrović India Health Center
  • Tanja Rožek Mitrović India Health Center


bacterial sepsis, infection, neonatal period, primary health care


Inroduction Elizabethkingia meningoseptica is well distributed in hospitals but also in community environments. It rarely causes infections in an immunocompetent host or in hosts who haven’t had a prolonged hospital stay. Premature birth is the major risk factor for neonates. Our objective is to report two cases of late-onset neonatal sepsis from Primary-care pediatrician’s perspective, as well as to point out E.meningoseptica as the causative agent.

Case report We report cases of two neonates who were patients of the same pediatrician practice at the Primary Health Care Center and were born in the same maternity hospital within five days. They were not on a prolonged hospital stay. One was a preterm neonate, who was ventilated and on 5-day antibiotic treatment and negative infection markers when discharged. He was at home for 8 days, and the other one was a term neonate who was at home for 14 days from the maternity hospital having been discharged until the beginning of symptoms. In that time the term neonate had brief contact with health care services for twice, but portal of entry was not confirmed by laboratory tests. 

Conclusion Primary care pediatricians should always take a careful history (maternal and infant risk factors) and observe a febrile neonate as a possible case of sepsis. Early recognition is the most important factor in decreasing the morbidity and mortality from neonatal sepsis.


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Case Reports