
  • Vera Simić Medical School "Belgrade" Belgrade, Association of Health Professionals of Serbia
  • Ivanka Adžić Clinical Center of Serbia, UCCS Center for Research and Development, Association of Health Professionals of Serbia


pandemic, children, adolescents


COVID19 pandemic and actions against it influenced children all over the world. Preventive measures such as school closure, on line learning, complete lock down unabled normal life and functioning in children and adolescents. Direct and idirect psychosocial effects disturbed mental health of children and adolescents currently, but it is expected to show up negative effect in the future as well. Main goal of this investigation was to access the ability of children and adolescents to adapt in pandemic. Prevention of any form of risk behaviour and positive inflluence of  childrens’ development has to be achieved jointly by teachers, parents/careegivers, health care professionals.


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Review Articles